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Java™ ist die weltweit führende Programmiersprache und Softwareplattform. Die Adoptium Working Group fördert und unterstützt qualitativ hochwertige, TCK-zertifizierte Laufzeitumgebungen und zugehörige Technologien für den Einsatz im gesamten Java-Ökosystem. Eclipse Temurin ist der Name der OpenJDK-Distribution von Adoptium.

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Command-line installation

A silent installation allows you to install the Windows package with pre-selected features without user interaction, which can be useful for wide scale deployment. Follow these steps:

Download the .msi file.

Choose the features that you want to install, which are shown in the following table:

  1. FeatureDescription


    Core Temurin installation (DEFAULT)


    Update the PATH environment variable (DEFAULT)


    Associate .jar files with Java applications (DEFAULT)


    Update the JAVA_HOME environment variable


    Updates registry keys HKLM

    Note: FeatureOracleJavaSoft can be used to prevent Oracle Java launching from PATH when Temurin is uninstalled. Reinstall Oracle Java if you need to restore the Oracle registry keys.

    Optional parameters can be used that group some of the features together:




  2. Run the command on the target workstation. The following example silently installs Temurin, updates the PATH, associates .jar files with Java applications and defines JAVA_HOME:

    msiexec /i <package>.msi ADDLOCAL=FeatureMain,FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJarFileRunWith,FeatureJavaHome INSTALLDIR="c:\Program Files\Temurin\" /quiet

    Note: You must use INSTALLDIR with FeatureMain.

    The following example silently installs all the features for INSTALLLEVEL=1:

    msiexec /i <package>.msi INSTALLLEVEL=1 /quiet

    If you want to launch an interactive installation in another language you can use the Windows installer TRANSFORMS option to set your language choice. For example, to set the UI language to German, use code 1031, which must be preceded by a :.

    msiexec /i <package>.msi INSTALLLEVEL=1 TRANSFORMS=:1031

    For a list of supported codes, see the Language list.

Download Winget

winget install EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.17.JDK

winget install EclipseAdoptium.Temurin.11.JDK

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