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Platz finden soll hier alles, was in der praktischen Arbeit im Schulumfeld immer wieder anfällt. Deswegen ist die Streuung der Themen recht breit gehalten, erhebt keinen Anspruch auf punktuelles Expertenwissen und kann beliebig ergänzt werden.
Vorallem die hier gesammelten Anleitungen, Dokus, Tipps und Links  sollen dabei helfen, praktische Erfahrungen weiter zu geben.



Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.x


Dressurausbildung Daniel Köck

Dresssurausbildung Koeck


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Bewertung: 2 / 5

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Info and Download:


Youtube Tutorial, thanks to @CraftComputing

ThisIsWin11 lets you customize Windows 11 all in one place. It is slowly expanded as a practical all-rounder for Windows 11, similar to Microsoft PowerToys.

The app currently offers six modules:

  • Presenter ThisIsWin11 is starting off with a helpful introduction to what you can find in Windows 11.
  • OpenTweaks integrates an important part of the Windows 11 settings app and allows you to check and enable/disable settings in a bulk and with just a click.
  • PumpedApp makes it possible to remove unwanted features and apps from Windows 11 such as the Camera and Alarm apps, and other preinstalled bloat that you can live without.
  • Packages powered by Windows Package Manager allows you to create your own custom install packages.
  • PowerUI allows you automating several Windows 11 tasks based on PowerShell and community scripts, e.g. It is possible to boost privacy by disabling various telemetry-related components of Windows 11
  • Extensions allows you creating custom tweaks

System Requirements

  • Windows 11 ONLY (do NOT use this app on Windows 10)

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