Dressurausbildung Daniel Köck

Dresssurausbildung Koeck

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PicPick is user friendly and full of features for creating your image, suitable for software developers, graphic designers and the home user. It is an all-in-one program that provides a full-featured screen capture tool, intuitive image editor, color picker, color palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair and even whiteboard. It not only has everything that you need, but it loads fast, and sits quietly in the system tray until needed.

Download: PicPick 7.3.3


7.3.3 (2025-03-01)

  • Fixed an issue where the multi window shows misaligned or partially rendered.

View: PicPick Home page

Software Title: PicPick
Vendor: NGWIN
Architecture: x86
Installer Type: EXE
Silent Install Switch  picpick_inst.exe /S
Silent Uninstall Switch: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\PicPick\uninst.exe /S"
Download Link: https://picpick.app/en/download/



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